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informational brochure, glass jar, straining lid, air tight lid, draining stand, and 5 oz (about one month's worth of sprouts).

BROCCOLI SPROUTING SEEDS:  average time to harvest 3-5 days.soaking time 8 hours.
ALFALFA SPROUTING SEEDS:  average time to harvest 3-5 days. soaking time 8 hours. RAMBO RADISH SPROUTING SEEDS: average time to harvest 3-4 days. soaking time 8 hours.
MUNG BEAN SPROUTING SEEDS:  average time to harvest 3-5 days. soaking time 8 hours.



more nutritious than fully-grown vegetables. easy, low-effort source of nutrition. flavor is more palatable than fully-grown vegetables. rich, natural source of folate, fiber, vitamins, & minerals. full of antioxidants.


broccoli sprouts: 50 times more sulforaphane (anti-cancer compound) than fully-grown broccoli, rich in vitamins A, c, and e. They are also anti-inflammatory. these have a slightly sweet flavor once sprouted.


alfalfa sprouts: “queen of all sprouts.” rich in vitamins d, e, k, and c, a wide range of minerals, and 35% protein. They help improve heart, gut, and liver health, boost immunity, and increase testosterone in men. These have a mild flavor and a satisfying crunch.


rambo radish sprouts: They are loaded with nutrients including potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium. they are also packed with amino acids and antioxidants. These are crunchy and packed with zest and flavor.


mungbean sprouts: high in fiber and protein among many other nutrients. They are mild in flavor due to their higher water content which makes them able to take on a wide range of flavors and be versatile in many dishes.



place 2-3 tablespoons of sprouting seeds in jar.

fill jar halfway with water, twist on lid, & cover with towel for 8-12 hours. 

rinse & drain twice a day for 3 days or until seeds germinate.

after each rinse & drain- twist on mesh lid, store upside down on draining stand, & cover with towel.

after 4-5 days, replace mesh lid with airtight lid and store in fridge when sprouts are dry.



only use organic sprouting seeds allow sprouts to drain continuously.

You can use the DRAINED water for your house plants!

Don't drink the drained water- it contains phytates that bind to minerals in the body.

peak nutrition value in 3-5 days.

store in fridge for up to one week.


Organic Sprouts Kit

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