Formulated with organic and pure ingredients for Gardenbelle Shop
Look no further for the perfect dry shampoo. This formulation was designed to cleanse the scalp of excess oils and impurities while encouraging hair growth and scalp health. And it smells freak'n amazing. A little bit goes a looong way, so this dry shampoo will last you a long time. *Guess what! This also doubles as a safe and effective anti-chafing powder!*
1 oz
Did you know that commercial dry shampoos (particularly the ones in spray form) are problematic and contain all kinds of chemicals? Overuse can clog up your hair follicles and cause irritation and inflammation. It can also lead to dandruff since the scalp isn't being stimulated and dry skin isn't being removed. Dry shampoos often contain fragrances and chemicals that lead to contact dermatitis and absorb into the blood stream. The worst additive in spray dry shampoos is benzene, a naturally occurring chemical that is extremely harmful to humans and is carcinogenic. Just think about when you spray it, you're likely in your bathroom (a small, poorly ventilated room) potentially with the door closed, and all of those chemicals go into the air and fall down around you, getting on your skin and, worst of all, you're breathing it into your lungs.
These statements have not been reviewed by the FDA. Gardenbelle and Apotheke DuJardin do not claim to diagnose, treat, or cure anything.
Granola Girl Dry Shampoo + Anti-Chaf
tapioca starch | arrowroot powder | magnesium hydroxide | kaolin clay | pure cacao powder | lavender essential oil | rosemary essential oil | austrailian tea tree oil